Our Story

Welcome to our blog! Here's the quick and dirty about us:

Chad and I met on our first day of college at Utah State University. We started studying together, since we were in the same math class and lived in the same apartment building. But, those late-night study sessions quickly turned into excuses to hang out together. And that's how our story began. After two years of dating, we tied the knot on August 17, 2002 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

We currently live in Tucson, Arizona. We moved here after living in South Florida for five years, where Chad graduated from medical school and completed his internship year of residency. He is now working for the University of Arizona completing a three-year anesthesiology residency. I was fortunate enough to keep my job from Florida and now work remotely from home. I am the manager of advertising and communications for the business school at Nova Southeastern University.

And--most importantly--Chad and I are thrilled to be parents! Our little angel Reece was born on Jan. 26, 2010 and our handsome little Jace was born on June 30, 2011. We are so blessed to be the mom and dad of such darling and sweet kids.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blue 42...Blue 42..HIKE!!

It's football season...yay! And, just for the record, I would like to remind you all that my Broncos are 6-1!

It's also Halloween season. And since Chad and I both love football season, we thought it would be fun to dress up as football players for Halloween. (I know...not all that original...) Since I'm quite prego these days, we thought it would be fun to incorporate my belly as a prop for my costume. Mix some fabric paint with a wife-beater...and viola...my belly turned into a football! :) But I must say...Chad looked the part a little more than I did! (Who can go wrong when you're wearing a John Elway jersey?)

We had a fun Halloween. We were in charge of the children's games at our ward's Trunk-or-Treat, and then had some friends over to play games afterward. It was lots of fun. Although I was sick with allergies and from eating nothing but junk all night...I guess our baby wasn't digging all the sweet treats even though her mommy was! :)

All dressed up at the Trunk-or-Treat!

The Halloween Bellies!


Pryors said...

Love the costumes, Krew should have been with you for Halloween - he was a football player too!

JR and Brynn said...

SO cute, love the football belly. Had to take a double take on the pic below of Chad and Wade. Holy Moly!! They are total twinners. That is creepie. :) You are looking so darling, Deb, with your cute belly.